Travel Immunizations

If you plan to travel to a foreign country, be sure to protect your health by getting required and recommended vaccinations. Some shots must be given as a series, which can take time. So schedule your travel vaccinations SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS before you leave.

To set up an appointment to get your travel vaccines, complete this form and we will call you within two days to schedule.

If you have questions, please call 406-457-8900

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You can learn more about staying healthy and safe while traveling by visiting these websites:

Travelers' Health

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has information about travel health notices, required and recommended vaccinations, how to get medical care while abroad and more.

Travel Health Notices

Find out about travel notices designed to let you know about current health issues related to specific destinations. These issues may arise from disease outbreaks, special events or gatherings, natural disasters, or other conditions that may affect your health.

Travelers' Checklist

The U.S. Department of State helps to prepare you for a safe trip anywhere outside the United States, with this checklist that addresses travel alerts, documents, driving, health and safety, money, insurance and more. You can also learn more about your specific destination.

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Yellow Fever

If you have foreign travel plans, please call 406-457-8900 to arrange a travel immunization consultation. We can help you determine which shots you need and provide them for you. You can learn more about travel vaccinations on the CDC website.

Travel Alerts

CDC has issued travel alerts for people -- especially pregnant women -- who are traveling to regions where Zika virus transmission is ongoing. The virus has been linked to serious birth defects. Learn more.