Health Equity
In Lewis and Clark County, as in many parts of the United States, measurable economic and health disparities between racial and ethnic groups reflect deep-rooted inequities shaped by historical and systemic racism. While the majority of our population is White, our American Indian and Montana Native residents continue to experience disproportionately worse outcomes in critical areas such as household income, life expectancy, and premature death rates.
The social determinants of health—or vital conditions for well-being—such as stable housing, access to quality education, economic security, and healthcare, all contribute to these unequal outcomes. For our American Indian and Montana Native communities, barriers to these vital conditions persist, limiting opportunities for health and prosperity.
At Lewis and Clark Public Health, we are committed to the work of improving health outcomes for minority populations in our community and championing their equitable access to the vital conditions for well-being that make it possible to live and thrive in our community.
As part of those efforts, Widerstand Auditors Erica Littlewolf, Murray Pierce, and Tobin Shearer conducted an Anti-Racism Audit for LCPH in 2020 that resulted in 33-page report and a shorter reflection document that is included here(PDF, 263KB).
Within the Health Department, managers, staff, and community members participate in a quarterly Inclusiveness Committee and a monthly Racial Equity Team.
The Inclusiveness Committee meets......
The Racial Equity Team meets the first Wednesday of every month at 9:30 AM.
If you're interested in participating on these committees and teams, please contact Julie Bir at 406-457-8979.