Animal Control

Animal Control

Lewis and Clark County is one of the largest counties in the state of Montana. The Sheriff's Office has one animal control officer to provide for this area. If you are in the Dog Control District area, ordinances for Vaccinations, License, Restraint, Nuisance and Vicious are enforced. If you are outside of the Dog Control District area, Vaccinations, Nuisance and Vicious are enforced. Here is a summary of the ordinances for the county. You may view the Dog Control District area here(PDF, 454KB).

Lewis and Clark County Dog Control Ordinance Summary

Rabies Vaccinations:  All dogs 6 months or older must be vaccinated against rabies. Rabies vaccinations are not an over-the-counter vaccine. Only a licensed Veterinarian can administer this to your animal. The vaccinations must be kept current and the rabies tag must be worn on the dog's collar or harness.

License (4-2006-12): All dogs in the dog control district, 6 months or older, must be licensed.  You will need your animal's current rabies certificate showing when the rabies vaccination was given and when the booster is due.  Dog Licenses for the current year are now available at the City-County building, 316 N Park, room 147 or at the Lewis and Clark Humane Society, 2112 Custer Avenue. Download the Dog License Application here.(PDF, 263KB)

Restraint (4-2006-13): All dogs in the dog control district must be on their owner's property, in a vehicle, on a leash or under voice control at all times.

Public Nuisance (4-2006-9): is defined as any dog that threatens, injures, or damages people or property, livestock or other pets; an abandoned dog; or a barking dog.
Any dog in violation of the above listed ordinances may be impounded at the Lewis and Clark Humane Society. After 72 hours the dog may be placed up for adoption, the impound fee is $25 per day.  The fines for violations of the above are $50 for the first offense, $75 for the second offense, and $150 for the third and subsequent offenses.

Vicious Dogs (4-2006-10): A vicious dog is defined as, any dog that without provocation bites or attempts to bite any person; or that has killed or injured another animal. The penalty for the 1st offense is a fine of $200 or destruction of the dog or both. For a second offense, the fine is $500, and the dog is destroyed.
Animal Bites: If an animal bites a person and it is determined that the animal is not current on rabies vaccination, the animal must be quarantined at the owner's expense at a licensed approved kennel, a veterinarian office, or the Humane Society for a minimum of ten days.

There are no ordinances for cats in the County. Cats will not be trapped or picked up by the Animal Control Officer, unless they are injured. 

This is a summary of the Animal Control Ordinance. If you have any questions, please call Sheriff's Dispatch 406-447-8235 (option 1) to speak with Animal Control Officer Jennifer Robinson.

Animal Control Ordinance(PDF, 322KB)

Click here to see the Dog Control District Map(PDF, 454KB)

The benefits of licensing your pet:

Peace of mind: We know you care about your K9 family member.

A ticket home: Your license provides them with a way home and you could avoid a ticket for no license. First time ticket for a no license is $50.00.

Safe shelter: Good food, a warm bed and emergency care.

**Please remember, a license will only get your pet home safe to you, if they are wearing it!

For further information about Animal Control call the Lewis and Clark County Sheriff's Office non-emergency phone number at 406-447-8235.