Property Tax Information

Property Taxes paid by mail have been processed as of 6/19/24. 

To check the status of your property tax payment, visit iTax

It may take up to two weeks after processing for your payment to clear your bank account.  We appreciate your patience. 

Revised and Supplemental Tax Bills

Property tax bills for 2023 were affected by the Montana Supreme Court decision in Lewis and Clark County and many other Montana counties.  The counties affected have been ordered to bill out the additional 17.3 school equalization mills and forward those tax dollars to the State of Montana.

Lewis and Clark County will be mailing out revised and supplemental bills this April, with 2nd half tax bills due May 31st.  Property owners will see three possible scenarios. 

Revised tax bills will be mailed out to property owners who’s second half taxes are still owing.  Please note if the first half taxes are still owing, penalty and interest will apply. 

Supplemental tax bills will be mailed out to property owners who have already paid their first and second half tax bill.  

Original tax bills will be used to pay the second half taxes for those who own property with a very low market value. Resolution 2024-19 was passed to not bill property owners if the additional 17.3 mills calculate to less than $5.  

We suggest contacting your mortgage/escrow company after you receive your revised or supplemental tax bill to confirm if they are making this payment on your behalf. 

Tax Inquiry (Property Tax Lookup)

  • Search by name, parcel number, tax id number, address, geo code, subcode, or section, township, and range. (Note: you may only search with one field at a time.)
  • Data is updated nightly from the Lewis and Clark Treasurer's tax/parcel records.
  • Any and all information displayed is 'public information'.

Visit to get started.

* Please note: The legal description on this website may be an incomplete legal description. A complete legal description can be obtained from your current deed or from the Clerk and Recorder's office, Room 113 at 316 North Park Avenue, Helena, Montana.

Confused about how property taxes are assessed? How Property Taxes are Assess

Mail In Your Tax Payment

Property tax payments can be mailed to:

Property Tax Department
Lewis & Clark County
316 North Park Avenue Rm 113
Helena, Montana 59623

Please make checks to "County Treasurer."

To look up the amount due for your property, follow our Tax Inquiry (Property Tax Lookup) information above.

Pay or Drop Off Your Taxes In-Person

You can drop off your property tax payment in drop boxes located inside each entrance of the City-County, 316 N Park Ave, downtown Helena.

You can also visit our staff in Rm 113 to pay your taxes in person. Our office is located on the first floor at the back of the City-County building (near the west entry/exit).

Pay Your Taxes Online

  1. Go to
  2. Search for your property. (You may only search with one field at a time.)
  3. Select your property.
  4. Click on the Pay Taxes button and Add to Cart.
  5. Select which half you are paying. (To pay both, add one half then the other.)
  6. Continue to Cart and proceed to Checkout.
  7. You will be taken to the Official Payments site. Enter your credit or debit card information and process your payment.*

*Additional fees will apply. Payments are uploaded into our system every two hours.

Click here for step-by-step online payment instructions with screenshots.(PDF, 1MB)

Pay Your Taxes by Phone

  1. Call toll free 888-272-9829.
  2. You will be asked for a jurisdiction number. The jurisdiction number for Lewis and Clark County is 3602.
  3. You will also be asked to provide your Property Tax ID number. This number is located on your property tax payment stubs. (If you don't know your Property Tax ID number, you may search for it at
  4. You will be prompted to provide additional information, such as your credit or debit card payment information.*

*Additional fees will apply.

Tax Department Contact Information

Mailing Address:
Property Tax Department
Lewis & Clark County
316 North Park Avenue Room 113
Helena, Montana 59623

Phone: 406-447-8329
Hours of Operation: 8 am to 5pm

Property Tax Manager:
Karie Frydenlund

Tax Forms

Request Change of Address(PDF, 103KB)

Tax Protest Form(PDF, 15KB)

Suspension of Property Taxes (Military)(PDF, 32KB)

Notice of Pending Assignment(PDF, 105KB)

Delinquent List Distribution Signature Form(PDF, 40KB)

Delinquent Tax Process

For information on tax liens from 2015 or prior, please refer to Montana Code Annotated, Title 15, Chapters 16, 17, and 18. For information on tax liens from 2016 going forward, please refer to House Bill 18(PDF, 134KB). For information on tax liens for 2018 and forward please refer to Senate Bill 253(PDF, 179KB).

It is the responsibility of the interested person to conduct their own research of the delinquent tax process prior to purchasing any assignments. If you have questions in regards to tax liens, please consult an attorney. Lewis and Clark County will not provide legal advice of any kind.

The Lewis and Clark County Treasurer's office does not conduct tax sale assignment business during the tax season months of November and May. Tax sale assignment business resumes when the processing of current postmarked mail is complete.

Notice of Pending Assignment(PDF, 105KB)

Feedback to: Amy Reeves

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