First Judicial District Family Treatment Court

Mission Statement

Our mission is to promote health and stability for children and families involved with the Child and Family Services Division through individualized support, structure, and accountability for those with substance use and behavioral health disorders.

Statement of Empowerment

It is Family Treatment Court's primary treatment viewpoint that participants are best served when the Treatment Team members and service providers work together with participants in accessing services and responding to social and treatment requirements. Long-term success is dependent on the participants' ability to be self-sufficient, empowered, and be enabled to make decisions both in their services and the services their children require.

Goals and Objectives

It is FTC's goal that participants will:

  • have significantly more success in parenting safely while participating in Family Treatment Court
  • experience increased duration of recovery
  • see the number of cases reduced where parental rights are involuntarily terminated
  • increase participants' skills in order to have a productive and meaningful life