2015 Resolutions

Res. No. Title Date
2015-1(PDF, 951KB) A Resolution to Establish Regular Meeting Dates of the Lewis and Clark County Commission and to Describe Procedures for Public Participation 1-6-15
2015-2(PDF, 827KB) A Resolution Establishing Hours of Operation for All Lewis and Clark County Offices 1-6-15
2015-3(PDF, 2MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Woehl) 1-6-15
2015-4(PDF, 2MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Deschon) 1-6-15
2015-5(PDF, 3MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Trask) 1-6-15
2015-6(PDF, 4MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Mills) 1-6-15
2015-7(PDF, 2MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Echler) 1-6-15
2015-8(PDF, 3MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Peccia) 1-6-15
2015-9(PDF, 3MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Peccia & Associates) 1-6-15
2015-10(PDF, 3MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Vogl) 1-6-15
2015-11(PDF, 3MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Grunenfelder Family Partnership, LLC) 1-6-15
2015-12(PDF, 4MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (SBC Archway, LLC) 1-6-15
2015-13(PDF, 3MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (SBC Archway, LLC) 1-6-15
2015-14(PDF, 3MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (SBC Archway, LLC) 1-6-15
2015-15(PDF, 3MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Havens) 1-6-15
2015-16 (Number not assigned)
2015-17(PDF, 725KB) Resolution of Intention to Create Fox Trot Estates Rural Improvements District 2015-1 1-8-15
2015-18(PDF, 2MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Andrews) 1-8-15
2015-19(PDF, 2MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Friend) 1-13-15
2015-20(PDF, 2MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Lawrence) 1-13-15
2015-21(PDF, 2MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Mountain West Homes Sales, LLC) 1-13-15
2015-22(PDF, 4MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (PEC Design Build-Corp) 1-15-15
2015-23(PDF, 4MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (PEC Design Build-Corp) 1-15-15
2015-24(PDF, 4MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (PEC Design Build-Corp) 1-15-15
2015-25(PDF, 5MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (SEO, LLC) 1-15-15
2015-26(PDF, 540KB) A Resolution Requesting Prosecutorial Assistance in State of Montana vs. Jacob James Nicholls. 1-15-15
2015-27(PDF, 393KB) A Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property 1-27-15
2015-28(PDF, 1MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (City of Helena) 1-27-15
2015-29(PDF, 4MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (PEC Design Build-Corp) 1-27-15
2015-30(PDF, 2MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Taylor) 1-29-15
2015-31(PDF, 448KB) A Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Sheriff) 2-12-15
2015-32(PDF, 397KB) A Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Treasurer) 2-12-15
2015-33(PDF, 2MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (R&D Partners, LLC) 2-12-15
2015-34(PDF, 753KB) Resolution to Create Fox Trot Estates Rural Improvement District No. 2015-1 2-19-15
2015-35(PDF, 2MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Koon) 2-19-15
2015-36(PDF, 704KB) Resolution Approving Funding of The Johnston Conservation Easement Open Lands Project 2-24-15
2015-37(PDF, 499KB) A Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Fairgrounds) 2-26-15
2015-38(PDF, 1MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Anita Angelo) 2-26-15
2015-39(PDF, 431KB) A Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Sheriff) 3-3-15
2015-40(PDF, 711KB) Resolution Regarding Ownership of the Old York Road Easement 3-3-15
2015-41(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Approving the Bylaws for the Board of Directors of the Augusta Solid Waste District 3-13-15
2015-42(PDF, 6MB) Resolution of Intention to Create Bridge Creek Rural Improvement District No. 2015-4 3-12-15
2015-43(PDF, 2MB) Resolution of Intention to Create Big Valley-Cabin Rural Improvement District No. 2015-2 3-12-15
2015-44(PDF, 2MB) Resolution of Intention to Create Hillview Rural Improvement District No. 2015-3 3-12-15
2015-45(PDF, 423KB) A Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Sheriff) 3-17-15
2015-46(PDF, 392KB) A Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Treasurer) 3-17-15
2015-47(PDF, 1MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Booth) 3-19-15
2015-48(PDF, 381KB) A Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Sheriff) 3-19-15
2015-49(PDF, 3MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Sunshine Investments) 3-24-15
2015-50(PDF, 3MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Sunshine Investments) 3-24-15
2015-51(PDF, 3MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Hughes) 3-24-15
2015-52(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Approving the Bylaws for the Board of Directors of the Lewis and Clark County DUI Task Force Steering Committee 3-26-15
2015-53(PDF, 965KB) Resolution Renaming E. Old Highway 12 to E. Main St. 4-21-15
2015-54(PDF, 2MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Pratt) 4-2-15
2015-55(PDF, 2MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Evans) 4-9-15
2015-56(PDF, 369KB) A Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Treasurer) 4-14-15
2015-57(PDF, 444KB) A Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Health/CHC) 4-14-15
2015-58(PDF, 1MB) A Resolution Abandoning Two Public Access Easements Located Southwest the Junction of North Montana Avenue and John G. Mine Road, and Lying South of and Adjacent to John G. Mine Road. 4-14-15
2015-59(PDF, 4MB) A Resolution to Authorize the Issuance of a $815,000 Principal Amount Search & Rescue Facility Bond. 4-14-15
2015-60(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Hiatt) 4-14-15
2015-61(PDF, 946KB) Resolution to Create Bridge Creek Rural Improvement District No. 2015-4 4-21-15
2015-62(PDF, 973KB) Resolution to Create Big Valley-Cabin Rural Improvement District No. 2015-2 4-21-15
2015-63(PDF, 954KB) Resolution to Create Hillview Rural Improvement District No. 2015-3 4-21-15
2015-64(PDF, 392KB) Resolution Committing Lewis and Clark County to Matching Funds for a TSEP Infrastructure Grant. 5-7-15
2015-65(PDF, 633KB) A Resolution Approving the Tax Benefits Application of Stone Tree Climbing Center, LLC. for Remodeling of an Existing Commercial Structure Located at 1222 Bozeman Avenue in the City of Helena, Montana 5-26-15
2015-66(PDF, 401KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (IT&S) 5-26-15
2015-67(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Ordering the Cancellation of Personal Property Taxes that have been Delinquent for 5 Years 5-26-15
2015-68(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Ordering the Cancellation of Real Property Taxes that have been Delinquent for10 Years or More 5-26-15
2015-69(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Levying and Assessing a Tax Upon All Benefited Property Within The Bridge Creek Rural Improvement District No. 2015-4 5-26-15
2015-70(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Levying and Assessing Tax Upon All Benefited Property Within The Hillview Rural Improvement District No. 2015-3 5-26-15
2015-71(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Levying and Assessing Tax Upon All Benefited Property Within The Big-Valley Cabin Road Rural Improvement District No. 2015-2 5-28-15
2015-72(PDF, 375KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Public Works) 5-28-15
2015-73(PDF, 430KB) Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Greyn North 40 Property 5-28-15
2015-74(PDF, 355KB) Resolution Requesting Prosecutorial Assistance


2015-75(PDF, 377KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Coroner) 6-4-15
2015-76(PDF, 4MB) Resolution Annexing Land Into The East Helena Valley Rural Fire District 6-4-15
2015-77(PDF, 2MB) Resolution of Intention to Create the Emerald Ridge Rural Improvement District No. 2015-5 6-9-15
2015-78(PDF, 498KB) Resolution Requesting Prosecutorial Assistance 6-9-15
2015-79(PDF, 394KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (IT&S) 6-9-15
2015-80(PDF, 9MB) Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Marysville Gold Mining Company) 6-9-15
2015-81(PDF, 385KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Landfill) 6-16-15
2015-82(PDF, 3MB) Resolution Relating to Certain Lewis & Clark County Rural Improvement District Loans 6-18-15
2015-83(PDF, 378KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (CHC) 6-18-15
2015-84(PDF, 501KB) Resolution Requesting Prosecutorial Assistance 6-18-15
2015-85(PDF, 266KB) Resolution to Establish Locations for Posting Public Notice 6-30-15
2015-86(PDF, 1MB) Resolution of Intention to Create the North Star Rural Improvement District No. 2015-6 6-25-15
2015-87(PDF, 332KB) Resolution Increasing Each of the Salaries in Addition to the Base Salary for the Lewis and Clark County Clerk of the District Court and Justice of the Peace 6-25-15
2015-88(PDF, 841KB) Resolution Setting the Salaries for Certain Elected Officials 6-25-15
2015-89(PDF, 326KB) Resolution Setting the Salary for the Lewis and Clark County Justice of the Peace and Establishing Office Hours 6-25-15
2015-90(PDF, 893KB) Resolution Authorizing the Expenditure of Funds for Road Improvements on Applegate Drive (Located Between Lincoln Road and Jeanne Road) 6-30-15
2015-91(PDF, 790KB) Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014 from the County Clerk's Office Pursuant to Section 7-6-2607, MCA 6-30-15
2015-92(PDF, 587KB) Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014 from the Fairgrounds Fund #719Pursuant to Section 7-6-2607, MCA 6-30-15
2015-93(PDF, 660KB) Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014 from the Sheriff's Commissary Fund #703Pursuant to Section 76-2607, MCA 6-30-15
2015-94(PDF, 658KB) Resolution Canceling Uncalled Warrants Drawn on US Bank of Helena with a Date of Issuance Between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014 from the Treasurer's Office Accounting Department Pursuant to Section 7-6-2607, MCA 6-30-15
2015-95(PDF, 405KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (PW/EH/CHC) 6-30-15
2015-96(PDF, 379KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (District Court) 6-30-15
2015-97(PDF, 711KB) Resolution to Modify the Solid Waste Assessment Policy Established by the Augusta Solid Waste District, Beginning July 1, 2015 7-10-15
2015-98(PDF, 1MB) Resolution to Create a Rural Improvement District for the South Forestvale No. 2 Subdivision 2015-7 7-14-15
2015-99(PDF, 2MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Hartnett) 7-21-15
2015-100(PDF, 3MB) A Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Frisbey) 7-21-15
2015-101(PDF, 1MB) Resolution to Create the Emerald Ridge Rural Improvement District No. 2015-5 7-23-15
2015-102(PDF, 359KB) Resolution to Adopt the Revised County Personnel Policy Manual 7-23-15
2015-103(PDF, 494KB) Resolution to Budget Additional Property Tax Revenue 7-28-15
2015-104(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Adopting the Final Operating Budget and Setting Appropriation Authority for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2015 and Ending June 30, 2016 7-28-15
2015-105(PDF, 1MB) Resolution to Create the North Star Rural Improvement District No. 2015-6 8-6-15
2015-106(PDF, 509KB) Resolution to Establish a New Fee Rate for the Water Quality Protection District in Lewis and Clark County 7-13-4523 MCA 7-30-15
2015-107(PDF, 387KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Public Works) 8-4-15
2015-108(PDF, 422KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Public Works) 8-4-15
2015-109(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Ordering the Cancellation of Delinquent Property Taxes 8-6-15
2015-110(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Submitting to the Qualified Electors of Lewis & Clark County the Question of Issuing General Obligation Bonds in One or More Series in the Amount of Up to $40,945,389 for the Purpose of Funding the Design, Construction, Equipping, Furnishing and Financing of the Public Safety Facility 9-1-15
2015-111(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Calling for a Mail Ballot Election on the Question of Establishing a Permanent Levy for the Maintenance and Operations Costs for the County's Proposed Public Safety Facility 9-1-15
2015-112(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Ordering a Refund of Fees and Assessments Paid (Whittle) 8-11-15
2015-113(PDF, 5MB) Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Frezzette) 8-11-15
2015-114(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Levying and Assessing a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within the Emerald Ridge Rural Improvement District No. 2015-5 8-13-15
2015-115(PDF, 1MB) Resolution of Intention to Create the Walter Drive Rural Improvement District No. 2015-8 8-13-15
2015-116(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Ordering a Refund of Fees and Assessments Paid (Rico) 8-11-15
2015-117(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Levying and Assessing a Tax Upon All Benefited Property Within the Silver Creek Rural Improvement District No. 1997-5 8-25-15
2015-118(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Levying and Assessing a Tax Upon All Benefited Property Within the Southridge Rural Improvement District No. 2014-3 8-18-15
2015-119(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (DeLange Landen Operational Services) 8-20-15
2015-120(PDF, 3MB) Resolution Ordering a Refund of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Egeline) 8-20-15
2015-121(PDF, 5MB) Resolution Levying and Assessing a Tax Upon Benefited Property Within The North Star Rural Improvement District No. 2015-6 (tabled 8/27/15) 2-25-16
2015-122(PDF, 373KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Fairgrounds) 8-27-15
2015-123(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Ordering the Cancellation of Delinquent Property Taxes on Mobile Home or House trailer 8-27-15
2015-124(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Levying An Assessment Upon Customers Of The Scratch gravel Solid Waste Management District Owning Mobile Homes As Personal Property In The District and Owing A Pay-As-You-Throw Program Charge After August 14, 2015 9-3-15
2015-125(PDF, 3MB) Resolution Levying An Assessment Upon Customers Of The Scratch gravel Solid Waste Management District Owning Real Property In The District and Owing A Pay-As-You-Throw Program Charge After August 14, 2015 9-3-15
2015-126(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Providing For The Annual Tax Levy In Mills For The Fiscal Year July 1, 2015Through June 30, 2016 9-3-15
2015-127(PDF, 380KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Weed Department) 9-3-15
2015-128(PDF, 2MB) Resolution To Create The Heron Creek Rural Improvement District No. 2015-9 9-10-15
2015-129(PDF, 335KB) Resolution Declaring Garlic Mustard asa Noxious Weed to be Put on the Lewis and Clark County Noxious Weed List 9-3-15
2015-130(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Ordering a Refund of Fees and Assessments Paid (Schultz) 9-8-15
2015-131(PDF, 1MB) Resolution To Create The Valleyview Farms Rural Improvement District No. 2015-10 9-15-15
2015-132(PDF, 1MB) Resolution To Create The Walter Drive Rural Improvement District No. 2015-8 9-15-15
2015-133(PDF, 606KB) Resolution Levying An Assessment Upon Customers Of The Lincoln Solid Waste Management District Who Own Personal Property In The District And Owe An Unpaid Overage Charge For FY2015 9-17-15
2015-134(PDF, 813KB) Resolution Levying An Assessment Upon Customers Of The Lincoln Solid Waste Management District Who Own Personal Property In The District And Owe An Unpaid Overage Charge For FY2015 9-17-15
2015-135(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Ordering A Refund Of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (DMS Imaging) 9-15-15
2015-136(PDF, 447KB) Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2012-11 Authorizing Approval Of The Following Loan From The Capital Development Fund To The Fairgrounds Fund Of Lewis and Clark County 9-17-15
2015-137(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Ordering The Cancellation Of Delinquent Property Taxes On Mobile Home or House trailer 9-17-15
2015-138(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Ordering The Cancellation Of Delinquent Property Taxes On Mobile Home or House trailer 9-17-15
2015-139(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Ordering The Cancellation Of Delinquent Property Taxes On Mobile Home or House trailer 9-29-15

2015-140(PDF, 386KB)

Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Weed/Sheriff) 9-29-15
2015-141(PDF, 419KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Sheriff) 9-29-15
2015-142(PDF, 851KB) Amending Resolution 2014-141 Establishing The 2015 Fire Season and Related Burn Permits and Fees For Lewis and Clark County To Include School District No. 38. 10-2-15
2015-143(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Ordering A Refund Of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Krause) 10-8-15
2015-144(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Ordering A Refund Of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Sparks) 10-8-15
2015-145(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Renaming Smelter Rd. to Hulst Rd. 10-13-15
2015-146(PDF, 971KB) Resolution Renaming E. OldHighway12 to Tuplip St. 10-13-15
2015-147(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Renaming N. Fourth St. to Wylie Dr. 10-13-15
2015-148(PDF, 994KB) Resolution Renaming Diehl Dr. to Diehl Ranch Dr. 10-13-15
2015-149(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Renaming Old Lake Helena Dr. to Grove Dr. 10-13-15
2015-150(PDF, 423KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Fairgrounds) 10-22-15
2015-151(PDF, 630KB) Resolution Requesting Prosecutorial Assistance in State of Montana vs. Freddie Joe Lawrence and Paul Kenneth Jenkins. 10-22-15
2015-152(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Ordering A Refund Of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Kaminsky) 10-27-15
2015-153(PDF, 2MB) Resolution Authorizing Signatories For The State of Montana Property and Surplus Bureau 11-3-15
2015-154(PDF, 2MB)(2(PDF, 1MB)) Resolution Ordering A Refund Of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Van Daele) 11-5-15
2015-155(PDF, 390KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Treasurer) 11-10-15
2015-156(PDF, 393KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Sheriff) 11-10-15
2015-157(PDF, 380KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Health/Treasurer) 11-17-15
2015-158(PDF, 396KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Sheriff) 12-1-15
2015-159(PDF, 5MB) Resolution Ordering A Refund Of Taxes/Fees/Assessments Paid (Rusher) 12-1-15
2015-160(PDF, 1MB) Resolution Abandoning A Portion Of A County Road Located Within The Brownlee Minor Subdivision 12-1-15
2015-161(PDF, 979KB) Resolution To Approve The Tax Benefits Application Of Pioneer Aerostructures, LLC For Qualifying Improvements (Structure and Equipment Purchases) To Property Located at 2365 Skyway Drive In The City of Helena, Montana 12-15-15
2015-162(PDF, 650KB) Resolution Approving Funding of The South Hills Habitat and OpenSpace Acquisition Project 12-10-15
2015-163(PDF, 373KB) Resolution Declaring County Property Surplus Property (Coroner) 12-15-15
2015-164(PDF, 360KB) Resolution Amending The Final Operating Budget And Appropriation Authority For The Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2015 And Ending June 30, 2016 12-15-15
2015-165(PDF, 2MB) Resolution To Create The Canyon Rural Improvement District No. 2015-11 12-17-15
2015-166(PDF, 523KB) Resolution Authorizing The Use of of OpenSpace Funding to Secure Alpine Meadows Open Space Lands Project 12-17-15
2015-167(PDF, 540KB) Resolution Requesting Prosecutorial Assistance in State of Montana vs. Tiffany L. David 12-22-15