Court Services

The Court Services team includes four POST-certified Pretrial and Misdemeanor Probation Officers; and one Court Services Assistant. Our peace officers are Montana Law Enforcement accredited. The largest program managed under Court Services is the Pretrial Program. Each officer manages approximately 100 defendants. Court Services also supervises the PASS and Behavioral Health specialty courts.

Learn more about each program/service below:

Communities across the United States utilize pretrial service programs to reduce their number of incarcerated individuals. Lewis and Clark County defendants sit in detention awaiting trial an average of nine months—our program aims to bring that number to zero. We save our county $120 per day*, per defendant; improve the rate of court appearances; and enhance overall public safety. More importantly, we ensure that our clients are in the community with their families, keeping their jobs, getting and/or maintaining shelter, and successfully navigating the justice system.

We use the Arnold Ventures Public Safety Assessment (PSA) to determine the likelihood a defendant will both make it to their court dates and remain law-abiding. Our judges use the PSA when deciding whether to release individuals from detention while awaiting trial. A combination of judiciary discretion and the PSA tool determines whether to assign an individual to pretrial services. 

Pretrial Services Program Team

  • Officer Keaton Welch, 406-457-8841
  • Officer Jenn Norris, 406-457-8842
  • Officer Tiffany Mowery, 406-457-8843
  • Officer Robert Bussey, 406-457-8847
  • Court Services Assistant, Zoe McBride, 406-457-8849
Pretrial Services Data

To learn more about pretrial program performance measures and outcomes, visit our Reports and Publications page.

Judge Anne Peterson introduced the Post-Adjudication Supervision Services (PASS) program in 2019. The program provides supportive supervision to individuals with behavioral health disorders who have been found guilty of their misdemeanor charge(s). Our PASS officer verifies the client’s participation in behavioral health services and communicates completed check-ins to the court. The Courts can apply PASS check-ins as monetary credit toward fines and fees. Jenn, our PASS officer, continuously reviews clients needs for housing, transportation, access to food, health care, and goal setting.

PASS Officer:  Officer Jenn Norris, 406-457-8842


Court Services assisted with the design and implementation of the Behavioral Health Court in 2023. Our pretrial officer, Keaton, assists pretrial defendants in maintaining court orders and addressing social indicators of health. Court Services is a member of the Behavioral Health Court Steering Committee.

Behavioral Health Court Supervision Officer:  Officer Keaton Welch, 406-457-8841